Yesterday (Monday) was the first day of spring here and the weather has definitely been acting accordingly! I’ve been able to do a lot of studying on our terrace in the sun and am already starting to have tan lines! The sun is definitely stronger here; I only need to be out for twenty minutes to see some noticeable color difference. It is so beautiful and really brightens your day when you are able to walk, bike, and study in the beautiful weather. I think every day I love being here a little more and appreciate it all a little more – it’s a lot of fun!
Here is an excerpt of something I wrote to one my professors at St. Kate’s earlier this week:
“The sun is shining here -- it is absolutely beautiful! There are days like today when I ride my bike home from morning class past buildings of the 16th century (or older or newer) with the sun shining and blue skies; walk down the street to my house that has become as familiar as my walk on St. Kate´s campus; enter the home and say ¨hola¨ to my host mother as we chat about the day; go upstairs to our terrace and study as I listen to the quiet neighborhood around me with the sun on my face; head downstairs as I hear the grandchildren are playing and play a version of basketball with them; go inside for a light lunch that ends with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, then leave again with sunglasses on to bike back to school for my dance class....all intertwined in this is Spanish - me speaking and listening......and then I stop and think -- yep! This is where I´m supposed to be :) I am SOOOOO glad I decided to do this! Of course there are those days that aren´t as wonderful as days like today, but it is these days that make it all worth it!”
Last Tuesday I went on a guided visit by our school to one of the churches in Sevilla called Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador which I believe is from the seventeenth century. This is another church that was built on top of an old mosque just like the Cathedral of Sevilla. The visit ended with a stop for churros and chocolate which is a fun treat to have and is commonly a breakfast treat like doughnuts or pastries would be for us.
The weekend was filled with catching up on some homework and other little things while also exploring and walking around the city a little bit. Sunday I went on a trip with the school to Doñana national park and also saw the Ricón. Sadly, we were only in the Ricón for about 3 minutes because there was a mass about to start, so I didn’t get to see much or learn much about it. I believe it’s a place where an appearance of the Virgin Mary occurred – but don’t quote me on that. Also, the town with the Ricón is quite fun and interesting. It’s kind of the “wild west” town of Andulucia, Spain. There is a festival here where everyone travels from their home towns on horses or walks – no cars allowed (for example, it is a three day journey from Sevilla and a large group of people will travel together). Then there are big buildings/houses (kind of set up like hotels) that are for each neighborhood or city that the people can stay in. It sounds quite fun.
After seeing the Ricón we had some free time on the beach – how wonderful! We were in the very south of Spain. Next, we went to ride horses through Doñana national park and along the beach. We had to go in two groups so I had to wait for the first hour and a half until it was my turn. My horse was named Angelic (or something close to that) and she had quite an independent spirit. She was good, except when I asked her to turn…she would just turn her head in the direction, but not her body! Oh well, it worked out okay :) We were walking in a line most of the time (except when she wanted to make her own line) so it worked out. The decent to the beach was a little treacherous and there was definitely one time I wasn’t sure I was going to stay on – but it is amazing how horses can maneuver on rough terrain. The trip was WELL worth it once we made it to the beach! Wow, that was a new and wonderful experience – I definitely want to do that again! My pictures can’t even come close to capturing the experience, but I tried :)
It’s already less than two months left for me here – time is flying by!! I would love to write more, but time is limited. I should say that I have started to watch a show with my host mother, Rosario, called La Republica that is a drama based in the time of Franco which is one reason why my host mother likes it -- it reminds her of her childhood. We watch it Monday nights at 10:30 (a little late, but well worth it). It’s great for me to practice my listening to Spanish and it’s a great show. But also it’s a lot of fun to watch it with Rosario because she has such great reactions to everything and it is fun to get excited with her!
Más fotos!
Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador |
Ricón |
The town had a wild west feel :) |
On the beach!! So beautiful and fun! |
For all my MN loved ones! HOLA! (and all of you not in MN - HOLA as well! ) |
Made it to the beach! Breath-taking! |
Walking through the park...the beauty |
OH what fun to read your journal! It's like I'm reading a script for a movie. I'm so happy for you Teresa! And we can hardly wait to see your beautiful surroundings in 2 months!!! :)
ReplyDeleteDaniel wants to say something.
Hey Teresa this is Daniel.I just wanted to talk to you. I see you were on a horse.I hope it is as easy as it looks like.I asked dad if we could do that and he said he doesn't know if we can because we have to do a whole lot of other stuff. well I have to go because I need to beg mom if we can watch COSBY. well.... SEE YA!
Daniel!! Thanks for the note! SO SWEET and made me SMILE! Well, we'll have to see what we end up doing when you are here...I keep trying to think of things we can do that will be good for everyone. I'm sure we'll find plenty of cool and fun things :) Can't wait to show off Spain to you all! LOVE YOU!! (I hope you got to watch Cosby ;) )
your big(gest) sis!